Geography of Burundi

The average annual temperature in Burundi is 19.8 °C. The average annual rainfall in Burundi is 1274 mm/year.


Burundi is considered a large nation due to its total area. Its total land area is 27,830 km² (about 10,745 mi²). The continental shelf of Burundi is approximately 0 km². Burundi is in Africa. Africa is the second largest and second most populous continent on earth. African countries include South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Egypt, among others. Burundi has 3 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania. Burundi is a landlocked country. The average altitude range of Burundi is 1,504 m (4,935 ft).

The total length of land borders of Burundi is 1140 kilometers (~440 miles). Burundi shares land borders with 3 different countries and has the same number of unique land borders with neighboring areas. If, as in the case of Burundi, a country has the same number of distinct neighboring regions as the number of land borders, then that country has no non-contiguous sections of a land border. This is in contrast to several countries that have multiple non-contiguous stretches of land borders. Burundi has 3 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania. The lengths of land borders of Burundi with its neighboring countries are as follows:

Democratic Republic of the Congo - 233 km (145 mi),
Rwanda - 290 km (180 miles),
Tanzania - 451 km (280 miles).

The capital of Burundi is Bujumbura. The largest city in Burundi is Bujumbura.

The average altitude range of Burundi is 1,504 m (4,935 ft). The highest point of Burundi is Mount Heha with an official elevation of 2684 m (8,806 ft). Lake Tanganyika is the lowest point in Burundi. It lies at 772 m (2,533 ft) above sea level. The difference in altitude between the highest (Mount Heha) and the lowest (Lake Tanganyika) point of Burundi is 1912 m (2 ft).

The total land area of ​​Burundi is 27,830 km² (about 10,745 mi²). and the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is 0 km² (~0 mi²). The continental shelf of Burundi is approximately 0 km². Including the landmass and the EEZ, the total area of ​​Burundi is approximately 27,830 km² (~10,745 mi²). Burundi is considered a large nation due to its total area.

Forest and farmland
1,270 km² of Burundi's territory is covered with forests, and forest cover accounts for 5% of the country's total area. There are 9,124 km² of arable land in Burundi, which accounts for 33% of the country's total area.