Under what circumstances will the protective performance of Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves decrease?

Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves https://www.guigen-nitrileglove.com/pro_show/20.html


Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves can resist external risks and create a healthy and safe working environment. However, its protection is not absolute. When disturbed by external factors, its protective performance will be reduced. There are the following types:

First, in a high temperature environment, the penetration of Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves will be accelerated, and the protective performance will be reduced. Permeability is usually measured at room temperature. If gloves are used at excessively high temperatures, penetration will be accelerated and chemical resistance will be greatly reduced.

Second, gloves exposed to the air for a long time will cause aging. Compared with unaged gloves, aged Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves have significantly lower puncture resistance and tear resistance under the same state of use, so they cannot provide good protection.

Third, if it is stored improperly, such as contact with chemical reagents that are corrosive to Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves before use. Before wearing gloves, the user should inspect disposable nitrile gloves. If the gloves are damaged, they should be discarded and replaced with new gloves.

Disposable latex (rubber) inspection gloves https://www.guigen-nitrileglove.com/pro_show/20.html